Friday, September 28, 2012

What lies do you believe? This question was asked in a Susan Mae Warren writers' workshop I recently attended. We all have lies in our lives that color our behavior and how we perceive ourselves and our world.  

My character in "The Christmas Child" believed he was unredeemable.  In the  yet untitled book I just finished, coming next July, Haley believes, "People you love always leave."  Common, but equally troubling lies  include,  "I'm ugly,  I not smart,  No one likes me." 

 I'm digging deep into my characters today looking for their inner "lies" .  So I pose to you:  What lies about yourself do you believe? Or if that's too personal,  What lies do you see in others that they believe?

Books currently on the shelves:   A SEASON FOR GRACE classic duo

Available for pre-order NOW!   A SNOWGLOBE CHRISMAS 

Sunday, September 09, 2012

I had a hankering for Orange Julius. Do you remember the creamy drink? At one time you could buy it in shopping malls. I think the business is still around, though I haven't bought one in years. So today I found this recipe on line and tried it. Oh, my. Creamy with just the right amount of sweetness and tangy orange--a Dreamsicle in a cup (remember those?).

Homemade Orange Julius
6 oz. frozen orange juice
1 cup milk
1 cup water
1/4 cup sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
10-12 ice cubes  (I used more like 15 or 16)
Put the first five ingredients in the blender and blend a few seconds. Then, running the blender on "ice crush", add the ice a few cubes at a time until well blended.

Now, take a new novel-preferrably mine-and a pretty glass fill with Orange Julius, kick back in the recliner and enjoy!

Available now:
A SEASON FOR GRACE, classic duo  (click link to order)

Coming in October: